2025 Summer Series Public Events are being planned! Tickets will go on sale on Wednesday April 16th 2025 at Noon!
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A Music of the Spheres concert in the main building at Lick Observatory. Photo by Mike Bolte.

Experience a Saturday night to remember at Lick Observatory!

Enjoy a live concert, learn about the latest astronomy research from world-renowned scientists, and view the night sky through Lick Observatory’s historic 36” & 40” telescopes for an unforgettable night!

The event activities include:

  • Concert
  • Astronomy talk by world-renowned scientists
  • Viewing through the historic 36-inch Great Lick Refractor telescope
  • Viewing through the 40-inch Nickel Reflector telescope
  • Astronomy discussions with amateur astronomers and viewing through small telescopes

2025 Event Dates

Photo of White Album Ensemble containing 5 musicians

White Album Ensemble

Chamber Orchestra

June 28, 2025 : 8:30pm

Science Speaker: Dr. Tesla Jeltema

Detailed Event Information

Musician Adrea Castiano performs on stage in profile

Adrea Castiano

July 12, 2025 : 8:30pm

Science Speaker: Dr. Jorge Cortes

Detailed Event Information

Jimbo Scott sings on stage while holding a guitar

Jimbo Scott

New Open Air Event!

July 26, 2025 : 8:30pm

Science Speaker: Dr. Devontae Baxter

Detailed Event Information

Charged Particles

August 9, 2025 : 8:00pm

Science Speaker: Dr. Artem Aguichine

Detailed Event Information

Performers and Astronomy speakers subject to change.

Ticket Options

icon image of two tickets

General Admission

$65.87 with fees

☆ General Concert Seating

☆ Astronomy Lecture

☆ View through Great Refractor Telescope

☆ View through Nickel Telescope

icon image of two tickets

Preferred Admission

$107.48 with fees

☆ Center Stage Concert Seating

☆ Astronomy Lecture

☆Priority Viewing through Great Refractor

☆ Priority Viewing through Nickel Telescope

Return Policy

Tickets are refundable 48 hours prior to the event. If you return your ticket, you will be issued a refund minus Eventbrite fees. If we cancel the event, you will be issued a full refund.

Please be advised that unpredictable weather patterns may restrict telescope viewings, though lectures, concerts and other activities will still take place. Refunds are not issued for bad weather.

Tickets always sell out fast!

Tickets will be available to the general public starting Wednesday April 16, 2025 at noon on Eventbrite.
There is a limit of 4 tickets per customer.

Plan Your Evening

Please review the following information to have the best visit to Lick possible!

Arrival Time

Doors open 1 hour before the concert begins.Numbered telescope viewing passes will be distributed in the order that General admission guests come through the door. Preferred patrons have reserved lower number passes for telescope viewing.

Telescope Passes

Telescope passes are handed to guests on a first-come, first-served basis as they enter the building. When observing begins, a volunteer will ask the group for those people with the ten lowest pass numbers. This group will then enter the dome for observing.

We do NOT take numbers in exact order; we always take the ten lowest at the time the dome has the capacity for more guests. If you have a high telescope number, we encourage you to attend the lectures or view through the telescopes set up outside.

Observing through the Telescopes

We do NOT close until everyone has had the chance to look through the telescopes.

However, observing is weather permitting. Clouds or smokey air may limit our ability to observe but the event will still proceed.

Age Recommendations

We advise that children be at least 12 years old to participate. We trust parents and caregivers to use their judgment in determining the suitability of purchasing a ticket for their child.


Due to the historic construction of the telescope domes, the 36-inch Great Refractor Telescope and the 40-inch Nickel Telescope are not wheelchair accessible at this time. Those who have difficulty navigating stairs may also find the telescopes inaccessible.

Student stands on ladder to observe through Lick Observatory Great Refractor Telescope in the evening
Observing on the Great Refractor Telescope (Photo by Nick Gonzales/UC Santa Cruz)

Essential Information

Driving to Lick Observatory

Please allow a one-hour drive from San Jose. The road is good, but windy. The event typically lasts between 4 and 6 hours; prepare to drive home late in the evening. Parking is limited at the Observatory, so we encourage car pooling. There are no automative services or gas stations for 20 miles, so please plan ahead. See more information on driving directions and parking here.

Recommended Attire

Casual, comfortable clothing and walking shoes.  It can get surprisingly cold and windy after dark, so a sweater or coat is recommended.


Please be careful when walking around in the dark outside; bringing a flashlight is recommended. Children under age 12 are not allowed at this event.

Gift Shop

Lick Observatory souvenirs and astronomy merchandise will be available for purchase between 7:30 to 11:30 p.m at the gift shop. You can also visit our gift shop online 24/7.


Snacks and beverages will be available near the Nickel Telescope. Vending machines and fountain water are also available.


We strive to make your visit as complete and meaningful as possible. Please let us know if you will need special assistance (for example, if you will have difficulty climbing stairs) by emailing tickets@ucolick.org, so we can make the necessary arrangements.

Venue Map
All events are held at the Lick Observatory Main Building visitor center. Directions and parking

Mailing List

Join the Summer Series mailing list to get updates on when events are scheduled, when tickets will go on sale, and announcements of new programs.